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Fleetwood Volunteer Fire Company


Fleetwood EMS was invited to participate in this years EMS Week photo op at Lehigh Valley Hospital. Chief of Fleetwood Fire Department John Manmiller and Deputy Chief of EMS Operations Chip Wagner got to pose with the MedEvac flight crew last week. During the Fire expo in Harrisburg we got to see the results as a large poster featuring the crew was on display in the MedEvac stand for all to see.

News 5/30/13


05/29/13 Approximately 15 members of the FVFC and members from other departments finished up a Pump 1 class recently. Fleetwood members will be moving on to a Pump 2 class later in June.

The FVFC has set dates for the following classes: PA 130 16 hrs, Firefighter Safety and Survival 16 hrs

We are also working on the following: RIT 16 hrs, SVRT 16 hrs

Members should keep an eye on the online calendar or the training posted at the station.

County Pictures:

Tuesday June 4th, from 630 to 800pm photos will be taken for the county total visibility project.

Also all EMS trained folks are invited to a con ed class titled BLS infrequent skills also starting at 630.

Thank you

The FVFC wishes to thank the Patriotic Order Sons of America or (POS of A) from Muhlenberg, who absorbed the Fleetwood order some years ago, for their annual donation to the FVFC and EMS Squad. It was the order from Fleetwood who wished that these donations be made and Muhlenberg has followed through every year since. Thank You.


It’s hard to believe that the current Fleetwood Fire Company building has been here on Chestnut Street for 31 years. Although the building was constructed to have modern amenities of the 1980’s we found it necessary to make improvements over the years. The building has had a new roof put on it; we installed a fire alarm system and exhaust removal system to remove hazardous fumes from the building. Over the years we have also remodeled the second floor and repainted the walls of the engine room and EMS bay and have become connected to the Internet world.

During the month of September you may see construction work being done to the front of the building. This remodel will consist of the replacement of the garage doors on the front of the building. We will be realigning the doors to make it easier for today’s emergency vehicles that are longer and wider to easily leave and then back into the station without having to dodge a brick column to park. We will be changing the once ominous white garage doors that have rotted out to a more inviting aluminum and glass paneled type so the residents can see the equipment that is there to protect them. New updated lighting will also be installed to better illuminate the apron or driveway in the front of the building.

As we prepare for our 100th anniversary in 2014 and ultimately a Parade on May 31st of 2014, we want the community to know that the FVFC continues to be thankful to the residents and Borough officials for the faith in us to provide emergency services to this community. This construction project is being paid for by the general fund of the FVFC through fundraising efforts and not through the use of public funds. This current project is slated to be completed by the third week of September and we would like the community to feel free to join with us at our annual Open House during Fire Prevention Week Tuesday October 8th from 6-9 pm to celebrate the completion of this project. There, the public is invited to inspect equipment, ask questions, and pick up free fire prevention material for both young and old.

John R. Manmiller

Chief FVFC

9/20/13: Next installment of "Pardon Our Dust".

The first week and a half are in the books on our little door project. The holes have been dug the, more holes have been made, and the blocks for the new columns have arrived. In the next days the steel will arrive and the mason will block up the new columns. By next week the new doors will be installed and the wiring of them can begin. We are still making due with what we have trucks are running out the back door or squeezing by the construction trucks. Ciatto has been more than professional and is doing what they can to make this project go as fast as possible so we are not inconvenienced. The members are helping out the crew when we can. Everyone is excited about the final outcome and the members are working on other little projects to have the whole house cleaned up by Fire prevention open house which will be October 8th from 630 to 830. Come out and see what we have been up to. The final installment will show the finished front of the building. Click picture above to launch a photo gallery

Station Renovation Update 3 of 3 October 7th 2013

As the project comes to a close, the final touches are becoming apparent. The bollards are installed the weather stripping is up. The new column lights have been placed to brighten up the apron. All the air and electric reels have been reinstalled and the exhaust system has been repositioned for the new truck configuration.

 We want to take this time to thank the companies involved. They include Kleckner Laucks Architects, Ciatto Construction and Dan who put his back in to it every day, New Holland Steel, Lutz Masonry, and Overhead Door Company. I want to thank all the members who continue to volunteer their time towards this project with assisting in the cleaning, moving of equipment, and especially Dep. Chief Nick Readinger who spent countless hours working on the electrical needs for the project and kept our cost to a minimum. Thanks to all of our supervisors who stopped in daily to make sure everything was going as planned. Please join us for refreshments at our Fire Prevention Open House on October 8th from 630 to 830pm and check out the recent renovation.

John R. Manmiller, Chief FVFC

Fleetwood Fire Company is awarded major grant


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), informed us that our grant application submitted under the FY 2013 Assistance to Firefighters Grant was approved. The approved project costs total to $119,500.00. The Federal share is 95 percent or $113,525.00 of the approved amount and the fire company share of the costs is 5 percent or $5,975.00.

The total grant package with a value of $119,500.00 will be utilized by purchasing twenty one new SCBA's or (self contained breathing apparatus) and one RIT pack to assist with a downed firefighter. The current SCBA's that we use are 15 years old and no longer have serviceable parts available. The new packs should be in service before the end of this year. This grant will allow us to have SCBA's on all department owned equipment and a RIT pack on both the engine and Tower.

9/5/14: FVFC orders first new truck in 12 years

The Fleetwood Fire Company is proud to announce that we have entered into an agreement with E-One to provide a new Rescue/Engine to replace the 1995 Freightliner engine. The new apparatus will have a 1030 gal tank 1000 water/30 foam, a 1500 gpm pump, a remote control deck gun, 5 preconnects, a front intake and seating for six. Estimated time for delivery will be April/May of 2015.

The Fleetwood Fire Company Relief Association has also entered into an agreement to purchase 21 new MSA G1 SCBA’s, 21 spare cylinders, and 1 Rapid Intervention Air Pack. 95% of this purchase is being funded through a $119.500 FEMA grant. The new packs will be delivered in the last quarter of this year.

9/5/14: Fleetwood Upgrades Rescue Equipment

Fleetwood Fire recently upgraded all of their rescue tools to handle the high strength steel in the cars of today and long into the future. Three upgraded Hurst tools replaced aging equipment on Rescue 45.


A JL-500 Cutter a ML-28 Defender Spreader and a MOC Combi replaced current equipment. Rescue 45, a QRS licensed and State recognized operations level rescue truck (per the standards of the Voluntary Rescue Service Recognition) also carries three different size hydraulic rams and a mini cutter.

A two tool portable power unit was placed into service along with the department’s Maverick Combi tool on the Brush truck. For years we would put tools on the Brush truck during inclement weather and winter storms. Now they are on permanently. Future plans are to place hydraulic tools on the new engine so that we have the capability to handle incidents requiring these needed tools with any truck we take to an incident. Time is valuable and we want to have the capability on the scene for the patient.

FVFC station happenings    04/6/15

 A busy winter is past and spring has sprung at Fleetwood with multiple training events, PR events and Fundraisers.

2015 has been the busiest ever so far for the FVFC. The long extremely cold winter taxed both the Fire and EMS crews with multiple medically related events as well as numerous broken pipes, Accidents, and Structure fire calls. In the first three months of the year we have recorded more than 765 events according to the county dispatch. At that rate we could surpass 3,000 combined calls for the year.

 5 newer members got their chance to attend 140 hours of firefighting class work. They have progressed through the four different modules and are currently waiting for the “burn” part of the course to finish up.

3 members attended 48 hours of vehicle training. Once these members have passed the state test at the end, they will become VRT’s or Vehicle Rescue Technicians. They will join the more than 20 members the FVFC already trained to this level.

The last Sandwich sale of the year will be on May 13th. We now average 1550 hoagies per sale. A limited amount will be available for sale that day. Last year during the five sales that were held, Fleetwood volunteers produced over 7500 sandwiches. This has grown to become our largest fundraiser. The FVFC semi-annual 20$ ticket drawing with a $1,000 grand prize and the jointly run carnival are the next largest events. The ticket drawings are held the first Sunday of May and November. Email us if you are interested in a $20 ticket. We usually have a few left to sell each time. The Carnival will be held from July 21st to the 25th this year.

Our annual Easter Egg Hunt was again a great success. More than 3500 eggs were picked by children of all ages at the park on April 4th. This is an event that we sponsor and is not a fundraiser for us. We operate from year to year by the income from the raffled off Easter baskets, so thank you.

A new truck is on its way to the FVFC. Fleetwood ordered a new engine in 2014 and we are excited for its arrival. The hope is that we will be able to publicly show off the new truck at the Memorial Day parade on May 25th. Keep your eye out.

We are always looking for new volunteers to help in many ways.

 Volunteers can run on emergency calls, help with fundraisers, or provide office assistance. Members are eligible for and receive free training and fire gear for those who wish to run on calls. All FVFC members who assist with fundraising are eligible for an incentive payout at the end of the year. Those members who run on fire and rescue calls could be eligible to receive a stipend at the end of the year which is calculated by a formula based on training and amount of calls responded to during the year as well as the amount of assistance they provided at fundraising throughout the year. Stop down on a Tuesday night if you are interested.

From Fire Chief John Manmiller regarding the recent arson fires:


Chief John Manmiller

Numerous suspicious incidents and arson fires in the Fleetwood and surrounding area:

The Fleetwood Volunteer Fire Company has worked very closely with the Fleetwood Police Department over the course of the past few months to investigate and assist in any way possible the rash of suspicious fires that have plagued the borough and fire department. The fires or attempts at starting fires in Fleetwood began in August of this year and has kept the department busy with fires occurring almost every week.

The culmination of the investigation has turned out as no fire department would ever wish it to turn out, but as many arson cases do throughout the country, it appears that it could be fire department member, Cody Wiedner. Cody, a 19 year old probationary fire fighter with the department was arrested on January 3rd and charged by the police department for his role in three separate fires. There are more suspicious fires still under investigation by the police department.

Buildings can be rebuilt. Our concern is with the safety of our residents. We are thankful no one was injured. The members of our department, and members of our mutual aid companies who assist us in responding to the calls, put their lives on the line every time they leave there homes and stations. To respond on a call at any time where there may be suspicions on the cause, make the firefighters that are doing this job for the right reason, sick to their stomachs. This person passed a mandatory background check prior to membership. He participated in training but was not a certified interior firefighter. He has been suspended with intent to dismiss pending the outcome of the judicial systems proceedings.

Save the date! Saturday June 4th, from noon - 4 PM we will be hosting an open house and housing of our new E-One pumper. Come out for some for including sausage sandwiches, a beer garden, and DJ music.  This event will then be followed by a Fleetwood bock party at the Fleetwood park hosted by the FCCO including more food, live music, and games. More info as we get closer to the event, but save the date!

← Pic from our parade two years ago.